100 Pounds of Weight Loss...

Having had the privilege to work with G.R., from Portsmouth, Ohio, for about 32 weeks, I thought I'd share his story with you.

See, G.R. was a little unique: during our time together he traveled over 4 hours (roundtrip) to join his fitness group on Saturday mornings at our studio. When we first met, he was approaching 440 pounds. Through changing eating habits and incorporating exercise, G.R. reduced his weight to 337 pounds.

G.R. faithfully compiled a blog detailing his successes (and challenges) during his time working on the Complete Fitness Transformation program. Once available for others to read, the blog is now by invitation only. G.R. certainly didn't follow the program perfectly, just like all of us, he was human. With a concerted effort to exercise and eat better foods, however, he lost a significant amount of weight in a short period of time.

Best Wishes for Continued Success, G.R...


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